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miércoles, octubre 05, 2016

Módulo temporizador C005

Function and Design
1. The circuit according to claim connected and set a good time resistance and supply voltage;
2. Before the power not trigger output is high;
3. Trigger terminal "falling" trigger effective immediately after the trigger output terminal goes low at the same time start the timer circuit;
4. Set the timer time to recover after the output terminal is high, wait for the next "falling" trigger;
5. The chip is not repeated triggered, meaning that continue to trigger in the period after the trigger chip output low if the trigger is invalid;
6. The trigger end of "falling" Trigger refers to the instantaneous change from high level to a low level;
7. General refers to VCC high voltage, low means 0-0.3v or GND, provided that they meet the level requirements can be;
8. trigger terminal can be connected to touch switch or microcontroller IO port or other digital circuits have a "falling" can effectively trigger;
9. The trigger can be designed to power, only to trigger a short circuit to ground, power is triggered, the time to recover after the output to a high level, waiting for the next Falling edge trigger again.
P1 in short circuit (two small solder short circuit) timing time is equal to the resistance meter in the time multiplied by 8 times
P2 in short circuit (two small solder short circuit) timing time is equal to the resistance meter in the time multiplied by 64 times
P1, P2 and short circuit (two small solder short circuit) timing time is equal to the resistance meter in the time multiplied by 512 times

Consumo en standby a 3.3V, < 1mA

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